Știri #20
- Making a Better Custom Select Element ◆ 24 ways
- The Firefox UI is now built with Web Components – Brian Grinstead
- Testing React Hooks With Enzyme and React Testing Library
- The future is bright, because the future is static
- [Proposal] Native media optimization and (basic) editing support – HTML – WICG
- JavaScript Weekly Issue 465: November 29, 2019
- rel=”shortcut icon” considered harmful · Mathias Bynens
- Announcing core Node.js support for ECMAScript modules
- Top 25 AI Influencers to Follow on Twitter by 2019 – AI, ML, Data Science News | Interviews | Insights | AI TIME JOURNAL
- Facebook and Google’s pervasive surveillance poses an unprecedented danger to human rights | Amnesty International
- The Next.js Handbook
- Open source developers say GitHub must terminate its contract with ICE – or else. – Los Angeles Times
- Pika Registry – The JavaScript package registry for the modern web.
- Unbundling AWS
- Nikki Haley Used System for Unclassified Material to Send ‘Confidential’ Information
- Google Workers Are Protesting the Suspension of Two of Their Activist Colleagues – VICE